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Meet US at Gamescom Asia- Singapore 2023

Gamescom is world's largest event for computer and video games and also Europe's leading business platform for the games industry.

We are excited to connect with other ad tech fans and show you our top-notch solutions for monetization and advertising. Our aim is to build strong partnerships that boost growth, increase reach and optimize ROI. So, whether you're a publisher, an advertiser or just interested, we're ready to listen and keen to interact.

“Bluesea will be at Gamscom Aisa talking to customers about addressability and globally-scaled, brand safe environments. We’re focusing on maximizing buyer ROI at a time when global markets and the economy are facing unique pressure and strain.”

Winston Wong, VP of APAC

There will be several themes that Bluesea will be listening for, presenting and sharing with clients and prospects.  

What do you think will be the hot topic at Gamescom Asia?  Let us know before we take off!